Thursday, June 21, 2007


so obviously i haven't been updating this very regularly. not that anyone reads it or notices, but if someone someday is actually interested & looks at the archives, they might notice a significant gap between the last post & this one.
just sayin.

so what have i been doing in all this time i haven't been posting to my dear old blog?
well, work (the day job, that is) has been pretty hectic, so quite frankly i've been going home at night lacking the energy or motivation to do much of anything besides eat & sleep & cuddle with my hubby.

not have the energy to create?! perish the thought! yet here i find myself. in more ways than one.... but! i have not been entirely unproductive.... (although Lord knows i really oughta be crafting like a madwoman, what with stitch rock on the horizon--october's closer than you'd think!)

but in the past few weeks i have been pondering some new ideas, & i think they are just about ready to bring to life. i've gotten my hands on some new (to me) materials that i'm excited about, & i'm planning to spend a good part of this weekend making stuff. i also have a couple of custom orders to start working on, so that's pretty exciting too.

AND...drumroll...i've been working on a website! yep, my very own website. try not to be too underimpressed, cause right now all you'll see is my "under construction/redirection" page. but someday (soon?) it will be a glorious specimen of pixel compositions! er... ok, not really. i'm quite amateur at this sort of thing...but i hope at least to have a couple of different pages with some photos & such. who knows, maybe one day even this very blog will be hosted there.... (oh, & eventually those disgusting ads at the top of the page will NOT be there.)

anyway, that's my big exciting news for the day. i'm stoked.
i hope all's well with you, whoever you are.

Monday, June 4, 2007

dominoes & buttons.

i've been ebay-ing a lot this weekend, & i've got lots of goodies comin my way, including some amazing vintage bakelite buttons, some delish vintage pendants (they're a hoot!), & more...depending on what i win today! hooray for good deals!

so watch this space & my etsy shop in the next week or so, cause i'm going to be crafting some fabulous items with my new finds, & you definitely won't want to miss out--i've got lots of new designs & ideas brewing. i'm really excited!

i forgot my ipod cable when i came to work today, otherwise you'd be feasting your eyes on some juicy new neckwear this very moment...but all my new photos are trapped on my ipod, so you'll just have to wait a lil longer. i'll leave you with two words: mini dominoes!